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Student's Welfare and Accomodation

Religious Life

Tanzania is a secular state, and Mwanza University was established to promote and foster religious practices. As a consequence, students have religious freedom as long as it is meant to benefit students and promote positive religious values while not interfering with other university fundamental tasks. The Dean of Students should be contacted for permission and a location for such activities. There are, however, chapels and mosques close to the university campus.

Cafeteria Services

Within the university grounds, there are a number of cafeterias for both staff and students to refuel. In these cafeterias, numerous dishes of East Africa inspired culinary delights are presented, which are prepared utilizing locally and globally sourced ingredients. However, there are numerous canteens, restaurants, and hotels within walking distance.

Sports and Recreation

To inspire our students and faculty members to live a healthy and active lifestyle, we must develop sports and recreation programs that incorporate wellness from the start. Sport and active recreation help people to be healthier, link communities, and build better bonds between MzU students and faculty members. Through a variety of sports, both competitive and recreational, MzU has managed to improve the quality of the student-athlete experience.

MzU provides various avenues for students to learn life skills, build character, pursue a healthy lifestyle, meet new people, stay fit, and have a wonderful time competing in the Interfaculty sports championship in diverse of sports and games. As a result, major efforts have been made to promote the image of leisure sports and to enhance the quality of sports facilities at the University.


A. On Campus accommodation (Mwanza University Hostels)
The University has limited accommodation facilities to accommodate girls and boys
separately. As for now the University has one hostel for girls to accommodate 32 students
and one for boys to accommodate 32 students both located within the campus.
Hostel fee per student is TZS 250,000 per semester (or TZS 500,000 per year). Students
will be offered accommodation services in the University hostel upon registration and tuition
fee payment under the following priority list:
1) Students with special needs: These are students with either physical disability or health
2) First year students
3) Students currently residing in the hostels
What is provided for: In the room, a student is provided with a bed, mattress, bookshelf,
reading chair and table, 24 hours Wi-Fi and all laundry and washroom facilities are provided
for within the hostel. There is a cleaner who will be available during all days of the week,
and every student is assured security while on campus. Residents are expected to comply
with the students’ by-laws regarding on campus accommodation regulations.

Meals: All meals from breakfast to dinner are carefully prepared to meet your health
requirements and affordability. For further details regarding on campus accommodation
contact the admissions office +255 678228273. Click button to view the MzU hostels pictures.

B. Off Campus available accommodation (Matokeo hostel)
Students who fail to secure on campus accommodation are advised to contact the Manager
of Matokeo Hostel located in the vicinity of the University. The contact mobile is:
0785676957. The rent for the Matokeo hostel is TZS 350,000 per semester (or 700,000/ per
year). The tenancy agreement shall be signed between the student and the hostel Manager. Click button below to view Matokeo hostel pictures .
What is provided for: Reading space and WiFi is available. There is a restaurant for meals
and also space for those wishing to cook. Security is provided for within the hostel.
C. NOTE: In case a student decides to stay in a private residence outside MzU, the
university will not be liable to any undesirable occurrences.

Medical and Hospital Services

The University endorses good health and well-being of both students and staff. Therefore, the university provides emergency and first-aid services on campus. In addition, there are health centers near the University premises that provide excellent health care services.

Students at MzU shall be registered in a medical insurance program (with NHIF) upon admission in the academic year in order to have easier access to medical services. New students will be required to pay a health insurance charge as part of their confirmation fee to join the university, and the insurance card will be ready for them when they arrive.

This is made possible through the Dean of Students’ office. Students having private health insurance coverage should bring their cards with them and provide evidence of coverage to the Dean of students

Students Administration and Discipline

The Students’ Bylaws is a guide book to students’ life at MzU aiming at fostering conducive teaching and learning environment and promoting good behaviour, values and attitudes acceptable for all the groups at MzU and the society at large.

The students’ Bylaws allow flexibility to accommodate different beliefs, values and professional backgrounds. The document has been prepared to be user friendly. It is therefore, expected that the students will be compelled to read, comprehend and implement these bylaws to their best satisfaction.

This document along with the Gender and Safeguarding policy, provides detailed explanation and guidance of the process involved for responding to allegations of student misconducts, students’ rights.

The aim of the Students’ Bylaws is to ensure, as far as it is practicable and reasonable that the MzU strives to:

a) Prepare students to be more responsible for their learning and future professionalism;
b) Promote and protect human rights as individuals and as members in the society
c) Harmonise different beliefs and cultural norms including individual faith and values;
d) Safeguard the scarce available resources;
e) Promote gender equity when making judgments;
f) Establish good governance and use of the law; and
g) Reinforce discipline and promote acceptable student behaviours.

Student's Welfare and Accomodation

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Religious Life

Tanzania is a secular state, and Mwanza University was established to promote and foster religious practices. As a consequence, students have religious freedom as long as it is meant to benefit students and promote positive religious values while not interfering with other university fundamental tasks. The Dean of Students should be contacted for permission and a location for such activities. There are, however, chapels and mosques close to the university campus.

Cafeteria Services

Within the university grounds, there are a number of cafeterias for both staff and students to refuel. In these cafeterias, numerous dishes of East Africa inspired culinary delights are presented, which are prepared utilizing locally and globally sourced ingredients. However, there are numerous canteens, restaurants, and hotels within walking distance.

Sports and Recreation

To inspire our students and faculty members to live a healthy and active lifestyle, we must develop sports and recreation programs that incorporate wellness from the start. Sport and active recreation help people to be healthier, link communities, and build better bonds between MzU students and faculty members. Through a variety of sports, both competitive and recreational, MzU has managed to improve the quality of the student-athlete experience.

MzU provides various avenues for students to learn life skills, build character, pursue a healthy lifestyle, meet new people, stay fit, and have a wonderful time competing in the Interfaculty sports championship in diverse of sports and games. As a result, major efforts have been made to promote the image of leisure sports and to enhance the quality of sports facilities at the University.


A. On Campus accommodation (Mwanza University Hostels)
The University has limited accommodation facilities to accommodate girls and boys
separately. As for now the University has one hostel for girls to accommodate 32 students
and one for boys to accommodate 32 students both located within the campus.
Hostel fee per student is TZS 250,000 per semester (or TZS 500,000 per year). Students
will be offered accommodation services in the University hostel upon registration and tuition
fee payment under the following priority list:
1) Students with special needs: These are students with either physical disability or health
2) First year students
3) Students currently residing in the hostels
What is provided for: In the room, a student is provided with a bed, mattress, bookshelf,
reading chair and table, 24 hours Wi-Fi and all laundry and washroom facilities are provided
for within the hostel. There is a cleaner who will be available during all days of the week,
and every student is assured security while on campus. Residents are expected to comply
with the students’ by-laws regarding on campus accommodation regulations.

Meals: All meals from breakfast to dinner are carefully prepared to meet your health
requirements and affordability. For further details regarding on campus accommodation
contact the admissions office +255 678228273. Click button to view the MzU hostels pictures.

B. Off Campus available accommodation (Matokeo hostel)
Students who fail to secure on campus accommodation are advised to contact the Manager
of Matokeo Hostel located in the vicinity of the University. The contact mobile is:
0785676957. The rent for the Matokeo hostel is TZS 350,000 per semester (or 700,000/ per
year). The tenancy agreement shall be signed between the student and the hostel Manager. Click button below to view Matokeo hostel pictures .
What is provided for: Reading space and WiFi is available. There is a restaurant for meals
and also space for those wishing to cook. Security is provided for within the hostel.
C. NOTE: In case a student decides to stay in a private residence outside MzU, the
university will not be liable to any undesirable occurrences.

Medical and Hospital Services

The University endorses good health and well-being of both students and staff. Therefore, the university provides emergency and first-aid services on campus. In addition, there are health centers near the University premises that provide excellent health care services.

Students at MzU shall be registered in a medical insurance program (with NHIF) upon admission in the academic year in order to have easier access to medical services. New students will be required to pay a health insurance charge as part of their confirmation fee to join the university, and the insurance card will be ready for them when they arrive.

This is made possible through the Dean of Students’ office. Students having private health insurance coverage should bring their cards with them and provide evidence of coverage to the Dean of students

Students Administration and Discipline

The Students’ Bylaws is a guide book to students’ life at MzU aiming at fostering conducive teaching and learning environment and promoting good behaviour, values and attitudes acceptable for all the groups at MzU and the society at large.

The students’ Bylaws allow flexibility to accommodate different beliefs, values and professional backgrounds. The document has been prepared to be user friendly. It is therefore, expected that the students will be compelled to read, comprehend and implement these bylaws to their best satisfaction.

This document along with the Gender and Safeguarding policy, provides detailed explanation and guidance of the process involved for responding to allegations of student misconducts, students’ rights.

The aim of the Students’ Bylaws is to ensure, as far as it is practicable and reasonable that the MzU strives to:

a) Prepare students to be more responsible for their learning and future professionalism;
b) Promote and protect human rights as individuals and as members in the society
c) Harmonise different beliefs and cultural norms including individual faith and values;
d) Safeguard the scarce available resources;
e) Promote gender equity when making judgments;
f) Establish good governance and use of the law; and
g) Reinforce discipline and promote acceptable student behaviours.